Being able to get in touch with your shared website hosting provider when you have any type of questions or encounter any troubles is important and how quickly they'll answer and react could be crucial, particularly if your web site is business-oriented, as longer downtime could mean losing potential customers. The support options are usually a quick way to recognize actual providers from resellers. The second in most cases answer only to e-mail messages or support tickets and you may have to wait for a day or even more in order to receive a response. In case your problem calls for a couple of replies, you will end up losing a few days to have a problem resolved. With a genuine and reliable hosting supplier, you should be able to get in touch with the support at any time and get an instant reply no matter what the issue or your question is - customer, pre-sales or tech one.

24/7 Customer Support in Shared Website Hosting

The customer and technical support services for our shared website hosting plans are round-the-clock, therefore you can forget about waiting for a couple of days so as to receive assistance. If you aren't our client yet, you can phone us, chat with a consultant or send an e-mail message. In case you currently have an account, you can open a support ticket in addition to the other three methods of contact. You are able to choose the best way to contact us depending on where you are or what kind of hardware you use. We will assist you for almost any hosting-related question that you have or issue that you may encounter and even if you get in touch with us during the weekend or on official holidays, we'll be available 24/7. For more technical or time-consuming matters you can open a support ticket, but even in this situation the maximum reply time will never exceed 60 minutes.