In the event that you've ever had a shared website hosting account before or you have dealt with any other online service, you are probably aware from your own experience that for certain things it's better to talk to a live person over the phone rather than exchange tickets or e-mail messages. In order to know more about a service before you buy it or if something small should be made, for example, it'll be far easier and quicker to do it in real time. When you have the option to speak with representatives by phone, it is very likely that you are dealing with a real hosting provider, not a reseller. The level of support that you will get over the phone varies between different companies - from very general issues to professional technical support. Typically most of the providers will offer you pre-sales assistance and first level phone support, while more complex technical issues are managed via electronic mail and / or tickets.

Phone Support in Shared Website Hosting

In case you choose to use one of our shared website hosting plans, you'll be able to connect with our support crew over the phone for 14 hours every day. We can help you select the proper plan for your sites because we believe that it's better to discuss these matters with a live person. If you already own an account, we will assist you with all sales/billing questions as well as general issues, even with some tech situations that do not need a long time or escalation to an administrator since it'll be better to open a support ticket for time-consuming troubles so as to have the entire communication in a single place. We now have phone numbers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, so you will be able to call the one you prefer and talk with our representatives.