Spam Filters in Shared Website Hosting
If you reach the decision to host your domains with our company and you select any of our shared website hosting plans, you’ll be able to activate anti-spam protection for any email address that you set up. With several clicks in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you can switch between 5 different levels of safety. If you continue to receive unsolicited bulk email messages or the email filters start preventing legitimate emails from entering your mailbox, you can switch to another level just as easily. The efficiency of our spam detection solution is ensured by one of the most widely used email filters – SpamAssassin. If you do not want to risk missing an authentic message that may be classified as spam due to its content, you can also create custom spam filters based on the sender, the body or the subject of the message and forward the emails to a separate email address where you can review them later.