Varnish is a web accelerator tool, which has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years, because it can increase the load speed of any website, sometimes even by 100 percent, depending on the content itself. This tool is occasionally referred to as an HTTP reverse proxy too and is used to decrease the overall load on the physical machine and to boost the access speed for the website visitors. Each time a visitor accesses a page on a specific website, the browser request is taken care of by the web server and the requested data is served as a reply. If Varnish is enabled, it caches the web pages that the website visitor browses and if any of them is accessed for a second time, it’s served by Varnish and not by the web server directly. The increase in the overall performance comes from the fact that the accelerator handles the web requests tremendously faster than any web server, which results in much faster browsing speeds for the site visitors. If any content is modified in the meantime, the cached web pages will also be ‘refreshed’ the next time someone opens them.

Varnish in Shared Website Hosting

Varnish is available as an optional upgrade with each shared website hosting plan and if you want to use it, you can add it to your website hosting account using the Upgrades menu in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. There’re two separate features that can be upgraded – the instances and the memory. The first one pertains to the number of the sites that you wish to use Varnish for and the second one, which is offered in increments of 32 megabytes, displays the maximum amount of data that the platform can store at any given time. Hepsia’s user-friendly GUI will allow you to turn off or to reboot any instance, to view detailed system logs or to erase the platform’s cache with just click of the mouse. For optimal results, you can use a dedicated IP address for the Internet sites that will use the platform. With Varnish, your site will load much faster, which means more satisfied website users and potential customers.