The quicker you launch your web site, the swifter your ideas will go live. This is why, we’ve crafted a superb number of more than 800 no charge layout themes that are featured in the Web Hosting Control Panel. You no longer need to devote a lot of time browsing galleries of very close templates and praying that you’ll discover an extraordinary style and design for your web site. Each of the templates are completely customizable and are attainable with all of our cloud web hosting accounts.

The templates are focused entirely on various ideas and activities. We provide themes that can be well suited for private websites such as blogs or for company web sites, like web stores. Most of the themes are readily available only with Bluemotorcycle Hosting’s website hosting services, and this provides you with the cabability to have a unique layout for your site.

800+ No Charge Layout Themes

Fully customizable. Automatic Installing

With Bluemotorcycle Hosting, you will find a offering of more than 800 no charge layout themes, bundled straight into the Control Panel. This can help you save numerous hours in checking third–party template sites to search for the most suitable template for your site. So now you can get your theme straight from the Control Panel.

Our no charge layout themes are offered using our Easy Website Installer as well as Bluemotorcycle Hosting’s Complimentary Website Building Application. Each one of these tools works with its very own number of web templates, so you can easily verify both and choose the most impressive overall look and feeling for your web site.

Free Website Themes

No Charge Web app Layout Themes

Find no charge layout themes for your next app

With the tools that you’ve got on hand in the Bluemotorcycle Hosting Control Panel, it’s easy to create a brand new Joomla site or possibly a WordPress blog yourself. You could also pick a pretty style and design for your website out of a huge selection of custom–made templates.

You can obtain a fresh custom theme when using the subsequent web applications: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery). The templates are appropriate for all releases of these web apps and can be installed at no cost at any time.

Free App Themes

No Charge Site Builder Layout Themes

100+ thoroughly simple to customize no charge layout themes

If you wish to design your own website and save on web design, you’re able to make the most of Bluemotorcycle Hosting’s Complimentary Website Building Application. It’s a theme–based site builder that will need absolutely no HTML or CSS skills on your part, and it is obtainable for free of cost with all of our cloud hosting packages.

The tool is included with more than 100 distinct designs and styles, which you may 100% modify to your preference. Since these no charge layout themes are produced exclusively for the site builder, you can be sure that after you establish your site, it’s going to be completely unique.

Free Site Builder Themes